DATES ADDED! October 7 & 8 -
10 AM and 1 PM shows NOW AVAILABLE
Contact us at or 403-242-7118 ext. 2.
Grade 6/7/8/9
Through building a landscape: Land is a text and can be read for multiple readings and understanding. Land literacy can be enhanced through examining human-made structures of land.
What stories can be told through the experience? Elements of fiction include conflict, which is a struggle between individuals, groups, or forces that prevents the protagonist from achieving a goal. Engaging with fictional texts can develop empathy and inspire creativity.
Grade 10/11/12
Consider new perspectives:
a. describe personal responses to new perspectives, appraise whether such responses contribute to or inhibit understanding, and identify influences that have contributed to such responses.
b. identify one’s own ideas, perspectives and interpretations and evaluate them for depth of explanation, evidence or support; and consider the ideas, perspectives and interpretations of others to broaden one’s own understandings when exploring and responding to texts.
Grade 6/7/8
Shapes are defined and related by geometric attributes. Analyze shapes through symmetry and congruence. Congruency may not mean symmetry. Ways shapes can be related using conservation of area, how volume ca be characterized in space, how can a mathematical function enhance interpretations of change.
Grade 10/11/12
How can a mathematical function enhance interpretations of change?
Grade 8
What do we know about the nature of light? — investigate how light is reflected, transmitted and absorbed by different materials; and describe differences in the optical properties of various materials (e.g., compare light absorption of different materials; identify materials that transmit light; distinguish between clear and translucent materials; identify materials that will reflect a beam of light as a coherent beam.)
Grade 6
Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic relationship between governments and citizens as they engage in the democratic process.
Grade 8
Appreciation of the ways in which beliefs, values and knowledge shape worldviews and contribute to a society's isolation or adaptation. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the exchange of ideas and knowledge contributed to shaping the worldview of the Western world. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how intercultural contact affects the worldviews of societies.
Grade 9
Students will assess their roles and responsibilities in a globalizing world.
Grade 12
Students will explore the relationship between identity and ideology. Students will assess their rights, roles and responsibilities as citizens.
Grade 7/8/9
Students will develop the ability to investigate visual relationships in the environment.
Thanks to Calgary Arts Development for its support of The Room Sculpture Experience.